The Surprising Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in Preschool
It’s just about that time of year again for children, teenagers, and even some adults who are looking to sharpen their skills as well as their pencils. School will soon be session much to the excitement and chagrin of students across the country. The dog days of summer camp in cabins will soon be over, only to be replaced by school days in the classroom.
For young children ages 2.5 and older, school is a little different. In fact, many children this age have yet to step foot into a classroom, let alone do any homework! Public and private preschools for kids are excellent ways to prepare children for their K- 12 (kindergarten through senior year in high school) education, if not for the rest of their careers and lives.
Every house needs a good, solid foundation. A house can be furnished with the latest, greatest and most fashionable furniture, have state of the appliances, and an impermeable roof, but all these perks mean nothing without a sturdy foundation. The same can be said for education, which is one of the greatest benefits of preschool.
In addition to preparing children for the rest of their standard education by establishing a solid foundation, attending and enrolling in preschool also has several benefits. Perhaps one of the greatest and most readily recognized benefits of preschool is the development of social skills. Learning social skills and how to work and interact with others outside of the home is vital for any child. Learning social skills can even help children progress with their overall development.
According to a 2011 article published by the Huffington Post, children who attended preschool are more likely to establish higher paying and more fulfilling careers than children who hadn’t. Furthermore, the study highlighted in the article revealed that children who attended preschool are less likely to be arrested later in life and abuse drugs at a lower rate than children who didn’t attend preschool.
It’s often been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and the obvious benefits of preschool are a prime example of why this old saying still rings true today.