Reasons To Get A Cane For A Loved One

If your loved one is having mobility issues due to age or disability, they might be in need of a cane to help them when they are walking or carrying out daily activities. However, there is another option that might be suitable for them which is an umbrella cane. This is a special umbrella that doubles as a cane and is perfect for the loved one in your family who likes to be independent but might need a little help with their mobility.
Whereas wooden canes or varieties with brass cane handles can help your loved one when they are walking and doing daily activities, they would have to carry an extra umbrella if they do not have an umbrella cane. That means they would have to worry about carrying another item, and an umbrella cane combines the two together, keeping them dry when it is raining, and safe when they are doing their daily activities.
There is no need for your loved one to have to stay inside and not get to enjoy going out with friends or doing errands on their own because of the weather. Umbrella canes can give your loved one shade when it is too warm outside, and can also keep them dry when it is raining outdoors. Umbrella canes are not only a cane for walking, but also an umbrella for rainy days, and even come in stylish designs like plaid, or your loved one’s favorite color!
Canes and walking sticks offer support for those with disabilities like amputation, paralysis, cerebral palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and arthritis. These medical products offer more stability to help your loved one walk and carry out daily activities so they do not have to feel limited or dependent on others.
Do you really need to worry about your loved one falling or injuring themselves? Yes, as it is actually more common than you think.
In fact, 25 percent of older adults will fall each year in the US, and about half of those falls happen at home. Over two million senior citizens visit the emergency room for injuries caused by a fall, annually. Falling is definitely something you should be concerned about if your loved one has a mobility issue.
Are you thinking of investing in an umbrella cane? Comment and let us know how an umbrella cane can help your loved one.