Donating Clothes to the Homeless Do Unto Others

Americans are, as a whole, a very generous people. In 2013, 72% of all charitable donations in the United States — a formidable $240 billion — were given by individual donors. Many of these owners are part of the middle (and even lower) class, and as such do not have much money to throw around. But they give anyway, not out of self-interest but because it is the right thing to do. Compare that to corporate donors, who only donated 5% of total donations that year.
Americans across the country do what they can to help the less fortunate. In terms of clothing donations, donating clothes is essential in aiding the homeless and the poor. Every year, thousands of homeless people and millions of the poverty-stricken rely on charitable clothing donations to cloth themselves — and their children. Of the roughly 600,000 homeless people in the U.S., about 25% are children and close to 12% are military veterans. These people are some of the most helpless and vulnerable citizens in the country. They depend on lightly used clothing donations in order to get on with their difficult day-to-day lives.
Donating clothes has never been easier with donation pickups. There are many places to donate clothes to that will go as far as picking up your donations right from your doorstep. Pickups are a popular option with donors. A recent survey has shown that half of donors prefer door pickups and, moreover, that more than half would not venture more than ten minutes from their homes to drop off clothes. As such, charities that pick up donations perform an invaluable service that benefits millions of Americans every year.
There are a number of places to donate clothes to. Every one of them does fantastic work for the poor and less fortunate. To find out more about clothing donations, feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom.