How to Make a Pool House an Affordable, Simple Addition to Your Home

Adding a complete pool or guest house to your home may sound like a simple proposal. But once you start to look into not only the cost of running plumbing and electrical to your backyard, but also the hassle of obtaining all the proper building permits to do so, you may just give up altogether. But there’s a far simpler, more affordable middle ground that will meet the needs of most homeowners:
Custom Sheds
Even though you may think of a shed just as a prefabricated plastic storage space, the term merely refers to any simple one-story building. And instead of the metal, vinyl or plastic siding of many cheap garden sheds, custom sheds can be built of 100% wood and look just like a small cottage or barn. Amish built sheds, in particular, are known for their classic construction and quaint appearances. But unlike full pool houses, most sheds can be delivered fully assembled, put in place in a single afternoon. And while you may need a permit for a shed (ordinances vary greatly even from town to town), obtaining one will be a far simpler process than obtaining various building permits.
Multiple Functions
Just like all pool houses, luxury sheds can serve multiple purposes. One area can be used for storing pool toys, cleaning equipment and garden supplies. Other areas can be curtained off into one or more changing rooms to give your guests privacy to get in and out of their bathing suits (without coming into the house dripping wet). Also consider setting aside an area for patio furniture cushions, keeping them dry and clean when not in use.
There are two types of construction attractive enough for poolside sheds. One is vinyl siding of the same type used on many houses. This option is durable and easy to maintain. The other is complete wooden construction, which can make your shed feel just as luxurious and permanent as any pool house.
Have you considered adding a pool house to your home? What kind of construction and design would you want?