How Red Cross Pickup Services Can Help Your Community

Donate clothing

Do you ever wonder how you can give back to your community and support the environment? With Red Cross pickup you can accomplish all of the above and then some with little trouble. American Red Cross donations are known across the world for helping families, individuals and the environment in one fell swoop. Even better are the easily accessible and flexible clothing pickup services the majority of charities provide, able to help you help others without conflicting with your busy schedule. Let’s take a look.

American Red Cross

Red Cross pickup is one of the easiest ways of giving back to your community. The American National Red Cross is the 13th largest American charity as ranked by private donations — it received nearly $688 million back in 2014 from donations alone. For 24 hours per day and 365 days per year the American Red Cross will provide relief for families and communities with blankets, clothes, food and shelter. An annual value of $667 is contributed to the American economy by non-profits in general and around 3% of American income is given to charities yearly.

Bolstering The Economy

Simply discarding your unused clothes or items can lead to an unnecessary dip in vital resources. Studies have shown the vast majority of unwanted clothes can be easily recycled and put back into various industries like fashion and energy — an additional benefit is reducing the amount of trash put into landfills, known for being a notorious strain on the environment at large. According to the EPA, Americans will throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes per person on a yearly basis.

Helping Your Neighbor

One of the most common reasons people seek out Red Cross pickup is to assist their community. Studies have shown 63% of high net worth donors citing a desire to support their neighbors as a chief motivation for giving. Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments every year — that’s the equivalent of 68 garments and seven shoes per person or more than one piece of clothing purchased per week. Thrift shops continue to become increasingly popular with people from all backgrounds and budgets.

Save On Taxes

Last, but not least, you can save on your yearly taxes. Your donation to a charity of choice is considered tax deductible for the value of the items you donate. While you can feasibly donate any gently used clothing or furniture, suits have been found to yield a significant tax return. Similar items include, but are not limited to, coffee makers, chairs, beds and tables. Make sure to keep every receipt from each donation you contribute.

Using Red Cross Pickup Services

Red Cross clothing donations are one of the best ways of helping out your country. They put essential materials back into the economy and reduce the impact of landfills on the environment. They provide families and individuals with affordable clothing at local thrift shops and help particularly well during high-volume holiday seasons. Last, but not least, they are one of the most flexible ways of donating — you can simply call your local Red Cross and ask them about their clothing pickup services. How will you help your neighbor today?

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