When Was the Last Time You Donated to a Charity?

It is often easy to take things for granted. The clothes that are teenagers have; the number of shoes that your husband has; the fact that you have a house full of more furniture than you can possible use. When you are in the middle of living your best life, in fact, it is easy to forget that there are many others who have far greater needs.
This is the time of year, fortunately, when many of us are forced to think of those who are less fortunate. With a really convenient opportunity to donate old clothing, healthy boxed and canned foods, and money, Red Cross donation centers are a perfect option. Whether you are looking for a way to donate old clothing or money, it is important to make your gifts to places that will easily connect with those who are most in need.
Clothing Donation Centers Provide an Avenue to Connect Those in Need with Those Who Have Lots
Whether you want to make sure that you clean out the closets in your house or you just want to make sure that you are doing your part to help those who are less fortunate, this is the time of the year when people can easily find the places that will help them connect with those less fortunate.
Consider these facts and figures about the many ways that people can help those who are the most in need:
- Receiving $687 million in 2014 in total private donations, the American National Red Cross is the 13th largest U.S. charity as ranked by private donations.
- Nearly 15% of the homeless population, which amounts to 83,170, are considered chronically homeless individuals and could benefit from someone who decides to donate old clothing.
- Internationally, more than 14.3 million tons of donated American textileshelp clothe families and people across the world.
- Clothing donations can benefit the 564,708 people who are homeless on any given night in the U.S.
- 63% of high net worth donors indicate that giving back to the community is a chief motivation for giving.
- Donations to selected charities are tax deductible for the value of the items that are donated.
If you want to make sure that you do not take your life for granted, take advantage of the season and make a donation to the charity of your choice. Whether it is clothing, money, or gently used household items, your extras can become the lifeline that someone in need is looking for. The decision to donate old clothing can help you understand the reason for the season.