March Is the Month the Country Honors the American Red Cross

There are few charities as well known and with as long a history as the American Red Cross. Every day, it goes to great lengths to help people who need it all over the country. Every day, the American Red Cross clothing pickups are scheduled and these clothing donations are used to help people directly and indirectly. Sales of used clothing donations help pay for all of the programs and services they provide. Now, The Journal has written up the story of American Red Cross month, which is March.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt first brought attention to the American Red Cross in 1943. In the middle of World War II, he wanted to bring attention to the organization and the good work they are able to do through American Red Cross clothing donations and to fulfill its humanitarian mission. He wanted to encourage people to make more American Red Cross donations or set up American Red Cross clothing pickups.
The people who work for the publication report that this is the time of year is when they remind themselves to take some time to thank the people who work as volunteers to do what they can to help people actively serving in the military, their families, and the workers at both the Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB) and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC). The support volunteers and staff at the American Red Cross offer is not limited to work inside the United States. They offer their services and help to service members and their families all over the planet.
The largest American Red Cross volunteer programs are at the NSAB and the WRNMMC. More than 70,000 hours are put in every year to support the staff at these important facilities, service members being treated there, and their families. All of this volunteer time is put in by about 600 people. The volunteers themselves come from a number of places. Some are active duty service members themselves, others are civilians. Doctors, administrative workers, and others give their time. There are others who are out on the road taking care of American Red Cross clothing pickups to support the mission of the charity. They also spend time meeting all service members when they arrive, take care of MWR events, and volunteer at the more than 75 clinics around the Walter Reed campus. Every summer, at least 50 local youth volunteers are added to the ranks to help out.
Roughly, 71,742 volunteer hours were logged in 2017 to help support active duty service personnel, veterans, and their families. If a dollar amount was added to this time, the tab for the services provided would be around $1.92 million. Here are some of the programs they work on:
- The Comfort Care Program: This program provides basic items to make the stay better. American Red Cross volunteers gave out about 41,000 such items in 2017. Every day, volunteer spend time with the patients. The Comfort Cart has things like adaptive clothing, DVDs, video games, toiletries, toys, and snacks.
- The Sewing Program: This program runs once a week, on Thursdays, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. It is housed in the America Building in the Occupational Therapy area lobby. Volunteers mend and make modifications to clothing and uniforms to help the service members return to their lives. They also work on vests for service dogs and bags for wheelchairs.
The Animal Visitation Program: Every week, a group of 38 dogs and someone trained to handle them makes a visit to the Walter Reed campus. These therapy animals are used to help improve the morals of the patients at the center, their families, and even the people who work there.
- The Coffee Morning Program: Approximately four times every week, morning coffees are hosted by American Red Cross volunteers. This gives people who attend a chance to indulge in donuts, fruit, bagels, and coffee in a more informal setting. There were 188 of these events in 2017. This service offers a nice respite from the myriad of medical appointments people at the center have.
By setting up American Red Cross clothing pickups, people can help the organization carry out its important mission.