Have Charity Clothing Donations to Give? Try These 3 Ideas When You Donate

Have you donated clothing before? If you’ve previously given charity clothing donations, then you probably remember gathering up some clothing from your closet and taking the items to your closest charity. You might have even thrown them into a drop box just to get it over with. While there’s nothing wrong with using these methods to donate, you do have other options, and you may even be able to inspire others to give, too.
If you’re tired of dropping off your donations or only giving once a year, try these three ideas to help give back in a big way:
Call for donation pick ups.
Did you know that giving charity clothing donations not longer requires you to lug a bunch of bags to your nearest non-profit? Today’s charities are able to stop right by your house and pick up whatever you have to give, whether it’s a bag or two of gently used clothing donations or the household goods and furniture left over from your last yard sale. This is especially useful for large families who may have plenty of items to give and not much time to drop them off.
Encourage your friends to gather their charity clothing donations, too.
If you don’t want to be the only one giving, why not get your friends involved? The more people who can donate clothes to charity, the better it is for helping families in need. Before donating to charity, you can also get together with your friends to swap clothing, purses, and accessories. This is a great way to recycle clothing and get some new style in your closet, and then you can donate whatever you have left over!
Organize a charity clothing drive at work, school, or church.
Want to help others on a grander scale? If so, then it’s time to get others involved. Call up your favorite charity organizations and ask them if they need any particular clothing items or household goods. Then you can put the word out to your coworkers or congregation that you’re collecting items for charity. Most companies are eager to give back to the community, and churches are usually always looking for opportunities to help others. Students and teachers alike in local schools can also give charity donations in order to help the community — plus it gives students a valuable service project to organize and take part in. Once everyone has contributed, you can call for a donation pick up service.
Whether you only have a little bit to give or you’re ready to donate in a big way, there are plenty of charities that always need help. Be sure to look for local charities in your area who need your donations.