As Hurricane Season Approaches, Here’s How You Can Support the Red Cross

As hurricane season approaches, the Red Cross is preparing to help anyone who will be affected. For all kinds of emergencies, from traffic accidents to home fires to large natural disasters, the Red Cross is one of the most trusted organizations in the U.S. Helping people affected by fire, flood or accidents is not new to them. They’ve been around for over a hundred years, and are still going strong. Anyone waiting to help with their work can do so in a number of ways, from organizing fundraisers and volunteering to donating clothes via a Red Cross clothing pick up to help fund their programs.
A historic mission to help those in need
The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton to help people in need, in the U.S. and around the world. It continues its mission with services like disaster relief, blood banks, lifesaving training and certification and help to military families. The Red Cross relies on volunteers and donations to continue its work.
As much as 90% of the Red Cross workforce is made up of volunteers. Volunteering is one way to support the work of the Red Cross. Organizing fundraisers and blood donation camps in your community can help your local chapter. Donations of money or used clothing and household goods can also help to fund their programs.
How you can help
Charitable donations are part of the American way of life and as many as 70% of all people give to charities each year. Altogether, 3% of all income is donated to charity. For many, it’s not always possible to find the spare cash in these difficult economic times. But charities like the Red Cross can also use donations in kind, such as used clothing and household items, to fund their programs.
Donating used clothing to the Red Cross is a good way to get rid of the clutter in your closets and attics, while helping them to continue their good work. If you have a large batch of used clothing donations, you can even schedule a Red Cross clothing pick up, so you don’t have to lug all that stuff to a drop off point. Your donations to the Red Cross are also tax deductible.
How your clothes donations will be used
If you have a closet full of things that you never wear, but that are too good to throw away, you can donate clothes to Red Cross. They will be sold in thrift stores to fund programs like emergency relief. The Red Cross works round the clock, 365 days a year, the American Red Cross providing relief in the form of blankets, food, blood and shelter.
You’ve probably seen their volunteers on tv, helping people who are most in need. The Red Cross is considered to be one of the most trusted charities in the U.S. When you donate clothes to the Red Cross, you know that they will put the money raised to good use.
It’s also easy to donate clothes and household items to support the work of the Red Cross. You can bring them to a drop off location, or schedule a red cross clothing pick up at your home or storage unit. You may not be able to be out there helping hurricane victims and evacuees, but when you donate clothes, you’re supporting those brave souls who help others in need.