How to Make Moving to a New Place a Breeze

If you are putting up your house for sale and moving to a new home community then you may have some challenges before you. Even if you have found the ideal location in the ideal neighborhood, lifestyle in a new home community can take some getting used to. Here are some ways that might be able to help you settle in a little easier.
Let People Know Your New Address
It’s important to spread the word about your new address as much as possible. Sending out a newsletter or a new home card can be beneficial for family and close friends, especially anyone out of town that may send you letters or packages. You should always make sure to file change of address forms at the post office so that none of your mail gets lost. You can also ensure that mail forwarding will take place for at least a month after your move. There are a number of places that will need your new address such as the DMV for your driver’s license, voter registration and also credit card companies. Your auto insurance should also be notified. If you are going to be transferring your utilities then those companies, obviously, will need to know your new address. Any regular subscriptions that you have will need to updated and your bank usually needs to know also.
Get Together Any Important Papers
Unfortunately, things get lost when you move. And if you are moving to a bigger house, things can get lost there to. Make sure that you have any documents regarding your move handy. Things like moving van papers and real estate documents should all be kept together in a place that is easily accessible to you. Any receipts, warranties and instructions regarding the mortgage, costs and ownership of the house could also be kept with those. You want to make sure that none of these papers get thrown away by mistake in case of a misunderstanding. They will also come in very beneficial when it comes to filing your taxes the following year.
Check the Repairs
Typically, the builders will facilitate a final walk through of the home right before you close. Now is when you need to note any last details. These should be taken care of before you move in. So, if you did give the builders any last minute projects, you’ll want to make sure that all of these were completed. They can be as small as paint touch ups or a missing electrical outlet cover but it’s a hassle to try and get those things done after you move in.
Know the Homeowner’s Association
Lifestyle in a new home community means playing nice with the HOA. It’s important to start off on the right foot and make sure you are following any regulations that they have set in place. Make sure to get a paper copy of the HOA guidelines before doing any renovations or decorating. On this paper will probably also be information about trash and recycling pick up and other things that you need to know about the lifestyle in a new home community.
Have a Housewarming Party
When you are all settled in and comfortable with the lifestyle in a new home community, there is nothing wrong with inviting your friends and family and neighbors over to celebrate your new home. This is a good opportunity to socialize with your new neighbors and show off all your hard work and creativity that has been put into your home. Plus, it’s widely accepted to bring gifts to a housewarming party so you may end up with some useful items!
Don’t Get Stressed Out
Overall, this is is probably the most important part of moving. Getting stressed doesn’t make anything change, it just makes the whole process a lot more difficult. If you can manage to stay relaxed and in control then things will go a lot more smoothly and you might actually even enjoy moving! Once everything is in your house, don’t try to unpack all in one night. Take your time and figure out where you want everything to go without panicking about getting it all done. This is your home, there’s no rush to finish anything anymore!