The Importance of Finding a Truly Safe Online Dating Website

While some may bemoan the recent rise of dating sites and apps, claiming that people don’t meet each other the “old-fashioned” way anymore, they’ve become a useful tool for our fast-paced dating pool. It can be difficult to break the routine of work and muster the energy to go to social gatherings or bars where you don’t really know anyone. A dating app or site will link you up with someone ahead of time and you can get to chat and know the other person a little before ever meeting them in person. However, background check dating has become increasingly important, especially for women, who worry about their safety meeting a stranger for the first time.
How Many People Have Used an Online Dating Site Or App?
There are over 50 million singles out there and looking to mingle and a host of various new dating websites eagerly looking for their business. There are dating websites for almost every religious affiliation, for gay, lesbian, transgender partners, and dating sites based on race or culture. Almost 40% of people who label themselves as “single and looking” have tried an online dating site or a dating app and roughly one in every ten Americans has used an online dating site or app at some point. Over 40% of all Americans know someone who has used a dating site or app (perhaps that number is even greater among the younger demographic) and almost 30% know someone who has turned to online dating to find a spouse or a longer term relationship instead of just casual dating.
How’s the Success Rate?
Just shy of 25% of online daters say they’ve met their partner or had a long term relationship because of a singles dating site. And over 65% of people who use online dating sites have actually gone on a physical date with a person they’ve met from the site or app. And 5% of all Americans who are married or in a long term relationship met online; over 10% of partners who have been together for ten years or under met online.
Why Use Online Dating?
Almost 60% of those on the Internet say that they can agree with the statement that online dating is a great way to meet people. Even if they’re not interested in a serious relationship, online dating lets them meet people around their own age and with similar interests in a casual and fun setting. It gets people out of their usual habits and routines. Additionally, 50% agree that people can often find a better romantic match because they meet a larger number of people than they otherwise would.
What Are Some Concerns For Those Dating Online?
Background check dating has certainly become a way of life for the serious online dating pool. If they’re looking to really settle down with someone, it stands to reason, one or both parties want to know a little about the other person’s past — especially the parts they may not be willing to divulge. Background check dating is often offered on especially safe dating sites and can offer a measure of security that the person they’re interested in isn’t a felon, violent, or abusive.
Online dating can sometimes help cover up a shady past or an unsavory character, so some people can worry about their safety, especially when going on a date for the first time. Background check dating can help alleviate some of those fears ahead of time and let you really enjoy getting to know the person. Of course, it’s always important to keep your personal and financial information safe until you’ve gotten to know the person better and have met in person a few times. Just as you wouldn’t give a stranger that type of information, you want to make sure that the Internet doesn’t lull you into a false sense of security.
Online dating can be a fun and lively experience with many great stories and opportunities to meet interesting and wonderful people. Let background check dating give you even more security and peace of mind when going on that date for the first time.