Want to Help Others and the Environment? Donate Your Used Clothing to Charity

Take a look around your closet and the closets of your family members. Do you and your children have a lot of old clothing that doesn’t fit or isn’t what you want to wear any more? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people have clothing that sits unused in their closets and dresser drawers, and as a result, it often ends up in the trash at a later date. However, there are other options than throwing clothing away or storing it until it comes back in style. (And there’s a good chance it won’t, unfortunately.) Instead, there is a much better use for your old clothing, and that is to donate those garments to charity.
Charitable clothing donations aren’t just good for cleaning out your closets, though. They have many other benefits, too. Check out the benefits of donating clothing to charity below:
1. It’s good for you and your family. You will be able to clear out old clutter when you gather used clothing donations in your home. This can make it easy if you need to move in the future, and it also helps to clear out storage space. If you’re interested in reorganizing your home, getting rid of what you don’t need is a big advantage before your organization.
2. It’s good for the environment. Every year, between 12 and 13 million tons of clothing get thrown away in just the United States. Much of that clothing, by some estimates at least 90%, could be recycled. Donating clothing helps prevent these items from polluting our environment.
3. It’s good for others. From helping families in need by providing clothing for parents and children in your area to aiding victims of disasters, there are many places where clothing donations can go. Some organizations also sell donated clothing to use the proceeds to benefit the disabled and disadvantaged. When you contribute to charitable clothing donations in your area, you can be certain that you’re helping others locally and globally, too.
Have questions on how you can help others? Be sure to contact local clothing donations charities and drives to find out what you can do. Also, leave comments below with questions and suggestions. Helpful sites: www.gogreendrop.com