What Churches Do to Upgrade Their Furniture

Church steeple history

Did you know that, for the most part, churches were not commonly furnished with permanent pews prior to the Protestant Reformation? Today, church pews comprise arguably the most pivotal component of church furniture, as without pews, there would be no place for worshippers to sit and kneel for prayer.

For roughly 1,000 years, churches had no pews. Instead, congregations stood and were free to walk around and mingle with other church members. Plus, early on in church history, most Christian communities worshipped either secretly or in private homes.

Until about the mid 1900s, it was common for Anglican, Catholic, and Presbyterian churches to rent pews in churches to families or individuals as a principal means of raising income. Interestingly, there were a number of churches that opened up in that time marketed as “free churches” because of their disapproval of the practice and availability of free seating for all.

Many churches regularly refurnish their church furniture or upgrade their structure. There are actually companies that can bring in new church steeple crosses, new church pews, and even new windows for churches. Church steeples are among the most important parts of a church structurally, as they are the highest point of the church and the first thing potential worshippers see.

Rather than pay for steeple repair, many churches instead opt to have all new church steeple crosses put in. Fortunately, because there are church furniture restoration companies, churches can always find replacements for their pews and steeples.

Oddly enough, antique church pews are a popular sight in some homes. They work great as bench seating in dining areas or entryways, and many church pews in homes were once pews in churches. Overall, it is important for churches to be able to upgrade their furnishings and structure every so often to ensure comfort for worshippers.

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