Ibogaine Drug Treatment

If you or a loved one are addicted to opiates, you?re not alone. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that in 2014, 1.9 million Americans over the age of 12 had a substance use disorder involving prescription pain relievers, and 586,000 were addicted to heroin. And in 2013,
6.5 million Americans had used prescription drugs recreationally within the month prior to the survey. Prescription drugs include sedatives, pain relievers, stimulants, and more. It is no exaggeration to say that opiate addiction is an epidemic, and one that is growing. So if you?ve found yourself in a difficult situation because of this type of drug use, it is not uncommon, and there is hope for recovery.
Unfortunately, the highest rate of illicit drug use is among young adults, aged 18 to 25. And recent statistics show that there are about 7,800 new drug users daily; 54% of these were under 18 years old. Young people in this situation need immediate attention; they need to stop the addiction before it becomes a life cycle. It is vital that addiction treatment be sought as soon as possible. Opiate addiction can be treated.
Choosing the right path to recovery isn?t easy. There are many options and methods, but many treatments don?t work. One treatment that is gaining credibility is ibogaine drug treatment. Ibogaine, a natural psychoactive alkaloid derived from the West African shrub iboga. Studies have shown ibogaine treatment to be successful in breaking physical dependency on heroin, methadone, and prescription opiates. While ibogaine treatment induces a psychoactive or hallucinogenic state for a short time, it is non-addictive, and many find the associated ?trip? or hallucinogenic effects to be helpful in understanding the emotional and psychic connections inherent in addiction. It is important to use pharmaceutical grade ibogaine hcl rather than the cheaper, semi-synthetic ibogaine extracts. However, properly administered, ibogaine therapy for opiate addiction can eliminate over 90% of opiate withdrawal symptoms, including alleviating the effects of PAWS (post-acute withdrawal symptoms).
Ibogaine has also proven to be helpful in cocaine addiction and methadone addiction, as well as alcohol. In fact, it improves symptoms of depression, PTSD, and OCD. It helps recharge the brain?s pathways. Ibogaine floods the neurotransmitters with serotonin and dopamine, rebalancing the damage that?s been done by addiction. Ibogaine therapy, in plain terms, resets the mind to its pre-addicted state. Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction, cocaine addiction, and other debilitating patterns of behavior, might be the best option.
Ibogaine is not legal in the United States, and is classified as a Schedule I drug, but it is legal and available in many other countries, including Mexico and Canada. Many Americans make the choice to find an ibogaine treatment center in these neighboring countries. Some ibogaine drug treatment centers are found in beautiful resort locations, overlooking the ocean or surrounded by a peaceful forest. They have a simple intake process, make payment easy, and offer amenities to keep the process of getting healthy as stress-free as possible. In these locations, it?s also easy to work through the visions and memories brought on by ibogaine therapy, and take the time needed to reflect. With ibogaine drug treatment, there?s hope for change, for getting back to life quickly, and making the most of the future.