Essential Advice for a First Time Mommy

As a first time mommy, you’re probably asking anyone for advice to calm your nerves. However, you don’t have to worry anymore! From saving money for the future to keeping your home clean even during the most challenging times, here are some of the most crucial suggestions you should follow to succeed as a parent!
1. Save Money for the Future
A significant source of anxiety for any first time mommy is money. Saving for the future when you have an infant seems impossible. Between medical bills, braces, school supplies, clothes, and accidents, you’ll feel like money sifts through your hands like sand through an hourglass. However, you can easily find ways to save money, especially when they’re still growing up and don’t require as much.
The first good tip is to use what you already have and only buy things you need. For example, parents tend to buy a lot to stock up their pantries and be prepared, but many of these items go unused. Therefore, cut back and declutter your home. You don’t have to double-up on all hygiene products, mainly because you won’t finish the first product completely if you know another one is on the shelf.
Another essential piece of advice is to meal prep and use coupons during your grocery shopping. Food expenses have grown exponentially these days, and it’s important to save where you can when you can. Your family food budget needs to stay as intact as possible because you’re already spending on formula and baby food, which can be pricey. Don’t be embarrassed about using coupons because they can be lifesavers.
2. Plan for Checkups
Your baby will need many doctor’s checkups during the first few years of his life, so you must budget for them and try not to go overboard. Just don’t cut back because you think it’s unnecessary. A child needs to see a physician every few months to ensure his development isn’t affected.
The first week will have the most visits; then, you’ll have to go every few months when the baby reaches certain milestones. That’s why many people pick jobs that offer excellent family insurance because a baby may need a foot doctor or another specialist at any point. As a first time mommy, you should be ready for anything.
You must be assertive but trust the doctor. Some mothers get too anxious thinking minor things are wrong with their children and waste time and money at clinics. On the other hand, your instincts are also telling you something. You’ll have many challenges while raising a child, and learning to balance your intuition with what’s really going on will make you a fantastic mother.
3. Research the Best Schools

Once your child gets a little older, you’ll need to put them in great schools, starting from the best Pre K you can find. Be sure to begin your search as soon as possible. Some places could have waiting lists, so you must get your child on them from the beginning. Some people start when they’re pregnant, but don’t worry if you haven’t.
A good tip for any first time mommy regarding schools is to ask other parents about their experiences. Of course, the most popular places are usually good, but it doesn’t hurt to look at alternatives, especially if another mother has recommended one. Remember that not all kids thrive at every school, and it’s your job as a parent to find the right place for them.
Think about your priorities when it comes to school. Do you want it to be close to home? Is it convenient? What’s the curriculum? You should ask about their religious and political beliefs. It would be best if they aligned with the values of your household, but it’s also good for children to be challenged. Choosing a school is complicated, but if they have a great approach to teaching, you can sign your child up.
4. Be Prepared for Medical Procedures
Major medical procedures can be horrible for a first time mommy, mainly because it’s something out of your hands. Everything should be fine if you get referrals and trust your primary pediatrician. For example, many kids get tongue tie correction surgery, which will help with speech and eating problems. It may seem unnecessary and scary, but it’s worthwhile. The issue is that your child may pick up on your concerns and anxieties, turning into cries and tantrums.
They can be scared of needles and hospitals, and it’s your job to ease their worries by being calm, even if it’s hard. Find ways to distract them if they’re getting blood drawn. It would also help if you prepared them for the procedure beforehand. Some parents think hiding things until the last minute is better, but it doesn’t work for all kids. Honesty is often best.
Your child needs to know that surgery is a normal part of life. You must tell them you’ll be outside waiting for them to come out. Also, focus on the bright side, like everything your kid can do when the medical procedure is done. If you can do and maintain a sunny demeanor, your baby will get over this hurdle quickly.
5. Keep Your Home Clean
A big problem for a first time mommy is maintaining a clean home. You’ll find the dishwasher and the laundry machine getting fuller than usual, and your attention will be on something else. Additionally, most parenting advice will tell you to grab some sleep when the baby sleeps, and 24 hours won’t seem enough each day. You need to create a strategy.
It would be best to have a partner who can handle the responsibilities you can’t, but not all mothers have a husband or spouse to help. Therefore, you must balance caring for your baby, resting, and cleaning up. On the other hand, you’ll also have to be vigilant about keeping your house clean because some situations can affect your child’s health.
Babies in dusty places could develop allergies, and having mildew is even worse. Therefore, find mold removal services immediately if you see anything wrong. You can also hire a regular cleaner if the chores get too overwhelming. Dipping into your monthly budget for some help is always a good idea.
6. Make a Home Safe for Babies

Your house may have another issue besides being dirty or needing some cleanup. You need to make all the necessary repairs, and it would be best to do it before the baby arrives because construction work is too loud. People often repair essential things like bathrooms and find a roofing contractor for inspections. The kitchen may need some work, too.
Your house’s stairs and floorboards should be pristine, especially when your baby starts crawling and walking. Baby-proofing is sometimes not enough, so you need to look for all the potential dangers in every part of the house and change them. Ensure that wires and cables are not exposed in every bedroom. A contractor can arrange them against walls and even hide them from the reach of children.
You should also get toys and baby items that don’t need to be assembled if you’re not handy. People get their cribs professionally built because they fear doing something wrong. Some people add carpet all over their floors because it’s easier for crawling babies. You can also repaint because peeling walls pose a hazard to children who like to put everything in their mouths. Go through each room and area in your house and be vigilant about possible repairs.
7. Eliminate Pests
The best advice for eliminating pests is to be proactive and find the simplest, most effective solutions. When you notice a creepy crawler or some rodent poop, you need to call pest control companies and perhaps a few more repair technicians. You need to eliminate the immediate problem, but other pests could get in after a while.
For example, sealing all gaps can prevent them from getting back in, especially around the kitchen. Pests sneak in through those tiny cracks which can be found around electrical lines and pipes. Contact someone who can cover them safely. You also have to prevent flies and mosquitoes from getting to your baby, which is a concern with any first time mommy. A good trick is to burn fresh herbs in your home.
Rosemary and sage keep mosquitoes away naturally. However, if you live in a high-humidity area, buy a mosquito-repellent net for the crib or your child’s bed. Add or fix torn screens on doors and windows.
8. Have a Comfortable Home
Being a first time mommy comes with many responsibilities, and some people have more significant priorities than others. However, making a comfortable home for your child should be thoroughly considered. It’s more than fixing cracks, controlling mosquitoes, or keeping things clean. If the temperature at home is too high or too cold, your baby won’t get enough rest. The consequences will be terrible, so you must find proper HVAC repairs.
You could also consult with the technicians about alternatives to keep your child cool during the summer and warmer during the winter. Some may suggest a personal fan aside from the central HVAC system, or they could modify your current setup to ensure the nursery is a priority.
Ventilation is also not just about keeping things cool or warm when needed. It’s also about maintaining freshness in the air. Moving air will prevent humidity, which can cause mildew, and your home won’t feel stuffy. Believe it or not, your baby can detect that stuff, and he can’t rest or develop correctly if his rest is disturbed. Never underestimate how much a baby can feel, even if they can’t explain it. They’re more aware than you think.
9. Have Plenty of Natural Light

While it’s great to find ways to protect your child from the sun when the heat is too high, your baby will benefit significantly from having natural light in their room. It makes their room seem happier and much more open. Therefore, you need to consider replacement windows which will also help with ventilation and reduce HVAC usage.
Newer windows have better tech that prevents air from flowing in and out, ensuring your AC system doesn’t work overtime to cool down your child’s room. You can also make things look brighter with different colored paint. Although parents prefer shiny tones, white walls will always make a room lighter. However, you can go for pastels if white is not appealing. It’s also a good idea not to add too many items or furniture to the nursery because clutter makes things look darker and cooped up. Natural lighting ensures your baby doesn’t feel trapped and gets used to the world.
10. Give Your Baby a Good Place to Sleep

Finally, your child needs the best place to rest. The highest rated mattress on the market could ensure your baby is comfortable enough to sleep through the night. Babies can also get sleepy in other places, like cots, baskets, slings, and your bed. However, children need to sleep in their own beds, so their parents can also get rest and don’t become too clingy.
It’s tempting for you, as a first time mommy, to want to keep your baby close all the time, but that’s not healthy for either of you. You may be unable to predict where your child will fall asleep, and waking him up is not a good idea, but being too close and sleeping with them often is not right either.
For the first six months of his life, you can keep them in a separate cot or Moses basket in your room, but he shouldn’t be in your bed. You should keep your child in the same spot during daytime naps, although other places, like car seats, work too. Ultimately, you need to create good sleeping habits and prevent your baby from being too attached to you to sleep.
If you follow these tips and tricks, you won’t have a problem as a first time mommy. Remember that this time in your life will be stressful, but it’ll also be incredible. You want to treasure the best moments and have patience through difficult situations. Find a balance with these suggestions and enjoy your motherhood.