Professional Pest Control Services Provide Monthly Visit Options

In the seemingly ongoing battle to keep bugs and pests out of your home, working with the local exterminator is one of the easiest choices you can make. Whether you are worried about termites, mice, spiders, ants, fleas, bed bugs, roaches, flies, or any other common home and yard pests, your local exterminator can recommend the best course of action.

They can help homeowners find the best bug spray for windows and doors and offer ideas for yard treatments using the best bug spray to keep bugs out of houses and yards. For business owners, they can also offer help to find the best commercial bug spray options and help with the application of the very best commercial pest control products on the market. No matter what your needs are, the size of your property, or what pests you are dealing with, these pest control experts are there to help!

Contact your neighborhood pest control expert today and see how easy it can be. Keep your home and your business pest free with a simple call and reliable services when and where you need them. Get started today!

Grilling season got off to a later start than normal this year, and it is all because a furry little creature decided to build a nest in your grill over the winter. When you first noticed the rat droppings you thought that you would simply turn the grill on high, let it burn for awhile, and then start using it the next day. A little internet research, however, indicates that there are actually some other precautions that you needed to take. A significant amount of work later, and several more checks on the internet, and you were finally ready to start grilling again.

Once the problem at hand was taken care of, however, you went another step further and actually made plans to proactively prepare so this same problem does not happen again. You called a mouse and rat exterminator and asked for the representative to come to your home. In the end, you signed a contract that would provide for monthly visits, as well as extra visits if you should find other kinds of pest problems.

Residential and Commercial Extermination Services Can Help You Keep a Cleaner and Healthier Home and Business

From bed bug infestations to rat exterminators, there are plenty of problems that property owners can have. Finding the right professional service, however, can help you know that you are taking care of the problems that you have in the right way.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the pest control industry and the many reasons why people need their assistance:

  • Representing 2.8% industry growth between 2013 and 2018, the U.S. pest control industry has more than 27,000 different businesses currently in operation.
  • 68% of all pest control service revenue in the U.S. in 2015 came from residential services.
  • As many as 60% of asthmatic people who live in cities are allergic to cockroaches.
  • Including E. coli and Salmonella, cockroaches can spread 33 kinds of bacteria, as well as six types of parasitic worms and seven kinds of human pathogens.
  • Termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage every year.
  • Although they may seem like a small problem, rodents actually consume or contaminate approximately 20% of the food supply in the world.

Whether it is a one time problem of a mouse building a nest in your outdoor grill over the winter or it is a recurring problem with ants, it is often in your best interest to call a professional exterminator from the beginning to get keep your home safe and healthy. From rat exterminators to companies that offer mosquito treatments, there are many times when you can get the help that you need from the most experienced professionals.

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